Sejam Bem-vindos Ao Meu Blogue!

Escrever é muito mais do que uma mera paixão, é uma parte de mim!
Na poesia, os pensamentos, as ideias e as emoções ganham vida própria, deixam de ser uma parte do autor e rompem a fronteira do "eu" , abraçando, assim, outras realidades, outras vidas.
Nélson J. Ponte Rodrigues

sábado, 6 de setembro de 2014

What Makes You a Winner?

The most courageous people are not those who win every single battle. The greatest winner is the one who fails or loses many battles and yet is able to find strength within himself to keep on fighting. Life is a constant challenge. In this arena, there are only two participants: the one who wins and the one who loses.

Sometimes, losing does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. In order to succeed we sometimes have to get rid of worthless things that we once thought were indispensable in our lives and, in fact, weren’t…

After each fall, keep your head held high and move on. Wise people know when it is the best time to quit or give it another try. Do not fear your losses, fear not learning something useful from them. If life is a teacher, do the best you can to be a bright student. Life does not give you second chances all the time.

Follow your intuition because it tends to be right most of the time! It does not really matter if you win or lose at all times. It is the life lesson learnt that really matters. Mistakes are a part of our lives. We can either embrace them by using them to our advantage and move on or repeat them. In other words, “we can either rise above the storms by using them to our advantage, or we can hide out in the trees with the other birds (Joel Burke).”

We are making decisions all the time. Not moving or standing still are decisions as well. Therefore, make wise choices, especially when your happiness or self-fulfillment are at stake.

Do not be afraid of trying or failing. Be afraid of apathy or delusions. Being sad and angry at someone or something very frequently are important signs / hints that your life is heading in the wrong direction. Those are two bad moods that stand in the way of happiness and well-being.

Growing old is an inevitable process. It is not in our hands. On the other hand, growing stronger and wiser is vital for our health in general (mentally and physically) and is also beneficial for our inner development as human beings.

Believe in yourself, respect yourself and be brave enough to walk away from circumstances or people that no longer serve you, grow you, or make you happy.
Therefore, take a step back whenever you feel unhappy, uncomfortable or extremely reluctant. It is often the most appropriate decision.

You can be a champion. It is up to you! If you believe in yourself, you are halfway there. Live your life to the fullest and do your best to forget those who hurt you in the past. Why do you spend so much time thinking about past events that you can no longer change or undo? Our time in this journey called life is too precious. Use it well. There is nothing you can do about the past. Do not ruin your future. Positive attitudes in the present can lead you to great achievements in the future.

Our beliefs and thoughts become actions. Then, actions turn into routines / daily habits. So, we are the ones who truly create our own reality. Look for a bright side in every situation. There are both positive and negative aspects to most situations. We merely waste time and energy on the things we cannot change. Do always remember: we become what we believe – winners or losers! We cannot always control the things that happen in our lives, but we can, with some effort, control our thoughts. Always look on the bright side of life. Focusing on a problem will not help you much. Stop focusing on problems and start focusing on solutions.

Do not sit down and wait for miracles because waiting is probably the stupidest waste of time ever. Your actions now will determine your future. Be wise and love yourself! Chase your dreams and fight against your demons such as insecurities, fears, misconceptions, etc.

It is never too late to improve yourself and become better. Times goes by anyway.
So, what are you going to do? Watch the days go by, feeling miserable and complaining?! Do you really think that being grumpy or sad for the rest of your life is a good and reasonable way of living?
Nothing is going to get better, unless you change that negative attitude. Life is a blessing from above. Enjoy it!

Some people just wander, age and decay; others are perseverant and pave their road towards happiness. They set and create their path in life and hence never stop growing and blossoming. Do not be afraid of failure. Those who never try are the biggest losers. You can do it. Believe in yourself! The road to happiness is bumpy. Happiness takes effort, sweat and tears. There are some things worth fighting for. Happiness is one of them!

Nélson José Ponte Rodrigues
23 – 08- 2014

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